Yellow & Green Sunflower Still Life DIY Kit Diamond Painting
This Yellow & Green Sunflower Still Life DIY Kit Diamond Painting shows the beauty of sunflowers in a different way, use the tools and follow the instructions, dot each rhinestones on the canvas, you will see a beautify sunflower that combines shades of yellow and green. The DIY kit is so easy to follow up makes it perfect for both beginners and experienced crafters. Enjoy the process of place diamonds on canvas and bringing the sunflower design to life.
기술적인 매개변수
소재: 캔버스 + 라인 석
크기: 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 인기있는 크기는 30*30cm, 30*40cm, *40*60cm, 60*80cm, 80*100cm, 100*120cm입니다.
패키지 포함:
1x 다이아몬드 펜
다이아몬드 펜용 왁스 1개
1x 다이아몬드 트레이
1x 캔버스
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