Blue & White ‘Good Will & Happiness’ Diamond Painting 3D
Bring Joy of Christmas holiday to Your Home with our ‘Good Will & Happiness’ Rhinestone Painting Kit! If you are looking for a fun and relaxing creative project and you are a craft lover, This DIY Kit is perfect for you! Simply use the provided tools and accessories to place sparkling rhinestones onto a beautiful pre-printed canvas with numbers and create your own art photo. Pick up your size or customize one. This kit is great for both beginners and experienced crafters.
Paramètres techniques
Matériel: toile + strass
Taille : peut être personnalisé. Les tailles populaires sont 30*30 cm, 30*40 cm, *40*60 cm, 60*80 cm, 80*100 cm, 100*120 cm.
Le forfait comprend :
1x stylo diamant
1x cire pour le stylo diamant
1x Plateau Diamant
1x Toile
Strass de différentes couleurs